Our hearts go out to all those affected by fires in Southern California, especially in Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara County. Here are ways you can aid victims in need:
1. Thomas Fire Fund
The United Way of Ventura County, American Red Cross of Ventura County and Ventura County Sheriff's Office of Emergency Services have established the Thomas Fire Fund. To donate, you can make a gift online, text UWVC to 41444 or call 805-485-6288. Checks with “Thomas Fire Fund” in the memo line can be mailed to 702 County Square Drive, Suite 100, Ventura, CA 93003.
2. Ventura County Animal Services
Many pets and other animals have been affected by the fires. Ventura County Animal Services is coordinating animal evacuation shelters. Their wish list is currently filled, but you can make monetary donations.
3. Humane Society of Ventura County
The Humane Society of Ventura County is in need of monetary donations after taking in many animals since the fires began. You can donate to the Thomas Fire Animal Fund to pay for the care of animals displaced by the Thomas Fire at humanesociety.nationbuilder.com/thomasfire.
4. Salvation Army Ventura Corps
The Salvation Army Ventura Corps is at the Ventura County Fairgrounds supporting evacuees. They do not need additional in-kind donations at this time, but they are accepting monetary donations for Ventura and all of Southern California affected by the fires, which can be made by calling 1-800-SAL-ARMY or visiting the organization’s website.
5. Los Angeles County Animal Care Foundation
Donate to Noah's Legacy Fund, which provides supplies, training, and equipment to first responders charged with rescuing animals from areas stricken by natural disasters. Mail donations to P.O. Box 100515, Pasadena, CA 91189-0515 or through the LACACF website.
6. Ventura County Community Foundation Disaster Relief Fund & Sudden and Urgent Needs Fund
The Ventura County Community Foundation supports organizations providing shelter and long-term housing, legal services, education, healthcare and other immediate and long-term needs of those affected by the Thomas Fire. To support immediate needs, contributions should be directed to the "Sudden and Urgent Needs" Fund. To support mid-term to long-term needs, contributions should be directed to the "Disaster Relief" Fund. In addition to online donations, you can also make a gift by check payable to Ventura County Community Foundation and mail to VCCF, 4001 Mission Oaks Blvd, Suite A, Camarillo, CA 93012. Please note which fund you want to support in memo line.
7. Volunteer with the American Red Cross for Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara County
Volunteers are needed to help communities affected by fires. Volunteer work ranges from phone calls, data entry and client registration, to shelter support and supply replenishment. With seven shelters open, the following shelters, in order of priority, need the most help: Oxnard College, UC Santa Barbara, and Ventura County Fairgrounds.
9. Catholic Charities of Los Angeles
Catholic Charities of Los Angeles is accepting items from their wish list for families displaced by the Thomas Fire. Donations can be dropped off at Catholic Charities' Ventura Community Services Center at 303 N. Ventura Ave. Ventura, CA 93001. The charity has also established a special fund to help offset the cost of home repairs.
10. Santa Barbara Polo & Racquet Club
The Santa Barbara Polo & Racquet Club is providing shelter to all horses needing evacuation from the Thomas Fire in Ventura County. Volunteers are needed to help feed, water and muck out the stables of the evacuated horses. The club is also requesting feed and barn supply donations. Those able to help can contact the Polo Club's Volunteer Coordinator Shannon McGraw at (805) 455-2400.
11. Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation
Monetary donations can help fund equipment, outreach and youth programs. For more information, visit supportlafd.org.
12. Direct Relief
Santa Barbara-based direct relief provides items requested by local healthcare providers, including N95 masks and emergency health kits. To donate, visit directrelief.org/donate and direct your gift to Southern California Wildfires.